BE360 Wellbeing Guide
The BE360 Holistic Wellbeing Guide is a tool to help start the ‘wellbeing’ conversation and provide an idea of what a holistic wellbeing pathway could look like for a person. When we use the guide and choose to channel our energy to each of the three foundational pillars (Mindset, Connected and Functional) we put ourselves in the best position to live an inspired, refreshed and energised life.
We are the first to acknowledge that the above is not always easy to achieve. As we move along on our journey through life we will face challenges and obstacles that we need to overcome. It is during these times that it is even more important to remember to focus our energy to each pillar to help us deal with any situation that we may face.
Connected is the quality of our relationships personally and professionally. Connectedness is engagement with sustainable networks that enhance your ability to achieve the things you want to. Connectedness is having a community of relationships, pathways and experiences behind you to assist when needed. Quality connections are foundational to the success of any person, team or organisation. The inherent human need to belong is often overlooked for its untapped potential. If the environment for belonging is created, people will gravitate to that energy and participate.
Mindset is about self awareness. It’s understanding you, your strengths and aspects of yourself you want to develop. Mindset is being curious about your purpose, reflecting on it and rediscovering it if needed. Mindset is making sure that you have the emotional and mental intelligence needed to maintain a healthy and successful work/life balance. It is understanding how you fit into your team and contribute meaningfully to the common goal. A healthy mind is an essential foundation to a balanced lifestyle so ensure it gets some exercise too.
Functional is being fit for the purpose of what you are wanting to achieve. Functional is about understanding your body and knowing what fuel suits your lifestyle and health. Functional is ensuring you are maintaining your physical being in a way that supports your desired outcome. Functional is a broad term and it is used because our daily lives require many different functions for many different purposes. When sustainable habits that maintain us inside and out are created, the benefits extend into all other aspects of life.